Bilingual/En español

On Sale! Cover - Alice: A Story of Friendship

Alice: A Story of Friendship
by Bill Vermooten; Illustrated by Priscilla Baldwin
$15.95 New Lower Price $9.95/$8.96 Member price

Alice is a rattlesnake who finds an unusual friendship in the beautiful landscape of the Sonoran Desert - somewhere in Arizona or the Mexican state of Sonora. This is a story about the meaning of friendship, and that every friend we have is unique and special. more...

Cover - Hip, Hip, Hooray, It's Monsoon Day! / ¡Ajúa, Ya Llegó el Chubasco!

Hip, Hip, Hooray, It's Monsoon Day! / ¡Ajúa, Ya Llegó el Chubasco!
by Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford; Illustrated by Richard Johnson
$15.95/$14.36 Member price

The author lushly illustrates the Sonoran Desert rainy season, describing in English and in Spanish the ways in which people anticipate and celebrate the monsoon, as well as the meteorological phenomena behind the storms and the adaptations they have caused in local wildlife. more...

On Sale! Cover - Katie of the Sonoran Desert / Katie del Desierto Sonorense

Katie of the Sonoran Desert / Katie del Desierto Sonorense
by Kate Jackson / Illustrated by Natalie Rowe
$16.95 New Lower Price $12.95/$11.65 Member price

This is the true story of Katie, a meter-long western diamondback rattlesnake, and her adventures as she struggles to make a life for herself in the harsh Sonoran Desert. We're with Katie, sharing in her determination as she hunts for the food she needs to stay alive, her terror when attacked by vicious predators, and her care and devotion to the litter of babies she gives birth to. more...

On Sale! Cover - Mission San Xavier: A Story of Saints and Angels, Art and Artists / Una Historia de Santos y Ángeles, Arte y Artistes

Mission San Xavier:
A Story of Saints and Angels, Art and Artists / Una Historia de Santos y Ángeles, Arte y Artistes

Edna San Miguel (Author/Illustrator)
$19.95 New Lower Price $12.95/$11.65 Member price

Saints and angels, missionaries and Indians, artists and conservators populate this fascinating introduction to a house of spirit, a Sonoran Desert landmark, and an artistic bridge to another era. A richly illustrated story for young and old alike, it is the perfect book for families to share. more...

Cover - My Nana's Remedies / Los remedios de mi nana

My Nana's Remedies / Los remedios de mi nana
Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford; Illustrated by Edna San Miguel
$15.95/$14.36 Member price

A warm and loving grandmother prepares a variety of traditional remedies for her young granddaughter, remedies to treat everything from an upset stomach to being frightened at night. more...

On Sale! Cover - The Little Saguaro / El sahuarito

The Little Saguaro / El sahuarito
by Shannon Young; Illustrated by Kim Duffek
$15.95 New Lower Price $12.95/$11.65 Member price

The Little Saguaro/El sahuarito is a heartfelt story about life's joys and challenges, as revealed in a conversation between a mother saguaro and her daughter. As this intimate story unfolds, the exuberant life of the Sonoran Desert literally swirls around the giant cacti more...

On Sale! Cover - Víctor, el zopilote renuente

Víctor, el zopilote renuente
By Jonathan Hanson
Illustrated by Kim Kanoa Duffek

$16.95 New Lower Price $12.95/$11.65 Member price

¿Quién no se ha sentido incómodo en su propia piel en algún momento de la vida? ¿Quién no se ha preguntado acerca de su propio valor, o deseado ser alguien diferente? Víctor cuenta las ilusiones inocentes e imposibles y las aventuras de un joven zopilote (o buitre) que, a través de sus experiencias y el apoyo de su familia y su comunidad, encuentra su propia autoestima. Aunque fue escrito para lectores juveniles (de 8 a 12 años), tanto los jóvenes como los adultos encontrarán humorística, emotiva y significativa esta historia deliciosamente ilustrada. En el camino, se aprenderá algunas de las características únicas no sólo de los zopilotes, sino también de otras aves de presa comunes en el Desierto Sonorense. ¡Y esto es sólo el cuento! Para los lectores jóvenes, así como para los maestros y los padres, el libro incluye descripciones breves de historia natural de los animales y las plantas que aparecen en el cuento de Víctor. ¡Regáleles a sus jóvenes naturalistas más queridos este libro Víctor el zopilote renuente o Victor, the Reluctant Vulture del Museo del Desierto Arizona-Sonora. more...

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 03-10-2025