Pima County Library Reservation Information and Form

School Groups have separate rates and separate registration forms. College Groups also have separate rates and a separate registration form.

Meet the Desert Museum!

Desert Museum programs bring the desert to your door. For audiences unable or unwilling to travel to the physical Museum, they can still engage and learn about conservation efforts happening in the Sonoran Desert region, and how to help! Programs can be done in English and/or Spanish and our presenters can tailor to the age(s) of the audience.


Humans share the Sonoran Desert with many plants and animals. Let’s explore the lifestyles and beneficial roles of some animal residents and learn how to be good neighbors with wildlife!
From lizards to tortoises and snakes, meet the awesome reptiles of the Sonoran Desert. Compare their diverse strategies for movement, defense, and feeding. Discover their unique adaptations to desert life. Length 45-50 minutes.
Learn, laugh, and play! Join musicians for a fun Sonoran Desert-themed story time, learn fantastic facts, and be ready to move and sing to animal-themed live music! This program is perfect for PreK-2nd graders. Length ~30 minutes.
Get your crayons, pencils, and paper ready! In this interactive class an Education Specialist will teach you how to draw desert life. More than just drawing and illustrating though, you will observe details of life all around you. Hone your observation skills and have fun as you meet and draw the flora and fauna of the Sonoran Desert! Length 45-50 minutes.


Reservations with Education Programs require a 30-day minimum advance notice. Programs are offered Monday-Friday and are scheduled based on availability. Early registration is always recommended. The reservation is confirmed when your confirmation letter is emailed to you. Please allow up to 5 business days for response.


We expect number of students and adults might vary by a few. It may not be possible to add an additional program or change a date. Remember availability is limited. Please contact us as soon as you need to make a change at 520-883-3025 or email: [email protected].


Please notify us as soon as possible of a cancellation. If cancellation is made more than 15 days from scheduled date, a $25 administrative fee will apply. No refunds can be made within 15 days. Contact us at 520-883-3025 or email: [email protected].


Please have a place for us to park our vehicle as close to the program room as possible.

Program Fee:

Level 4: Large Format Show $350.00

Additional Travel Fees:

Travel to Caviglia-Arivaca Branch Library, Arivaca, AZ Round Trip $75.00
Travel to Joyner-Green Valley Branch Library, Green Valley, AZ
Or Anne Gibson-Esmond Station Library, Vail AZ
Or Sahuarita Branch Library, Sahuarita, AZ
Round Trip $30.00
Travel to Dewhirst-Catalina Branch Library, Catalina AZ Round Trip $30.00
Travel to Salazar-Ajo Branch Library, Ajo AZ Round Trip $170.00
Overnight - Hotel stay in Ajo, AZ Per Night $100.00

Program Restrictions:

Pima County Library Reservation Form

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

Library Name*:

Library Office Phone*:

- -

Library E-mail:

Library Address*:



Zip Code*:

If program will take place at a different location, please give details in the Questions/Comments box below.

Contact Name*:

Contact Phone*:

- -

Contact Email*:


Library program start times are between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Programs are offered Monday-Friday .

Add your preferred date and time, add alternate dates and start times. We will make every attempt to reserve your 1st date choice.

1st Choice Date*: Time
2nd Choice Date: Time
3rd Choice Date: Time

Select a Program

Meet the Neighbors
Desert Reptiles
Musical Storytime
Drawing Desert Life

Select Program Language



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Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 03-10-2025