The Kino Heritage Fruit Trees Project

Jesús Manuel García-Yánez, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum & Robert M. Emanuel, University of Arizona

Pomegranates, Patagonia, Arizona
Date Palm, La Misión, Sonora
Flats of trees propagating at DSN
Volunteer Grafting Apples, DSN
PReparing cuttings, DSN

La Cosecha: Project Results

As of spring 2005, the Kino Fruit Trees Project has identified all of the major varieties of trees to be planted at Tumacácori National Historical Park. Project partners have gathered propagules from at least 20 different locations in Arizona and Northern Mexico.

Selected Cultivars from the Mission Era

English Name Spanish Name Scientific Name
Apple Manzano Malus sylvestris
Apricot Albaricoque, Chabacano Prunus armeniaca
Date Palma datilera Phoenix dactylifer a
Fig Higuera Ficus carica
Grape Parra, Uva Vitis vinifera, V. labrusca (A)
Olive Olivo, Aceituna Olea europaea
Peach Durazno Prunus persica
Pear Pera Pyrus communis
Plums Ciruela Prunus domestica, P. Sali cina
Pomegranate Granada Punica granatum
Quince Membrillo Cydonia oblonga
Lime Lima Citrus limettioides
Orange Naranja Citrus sinensis

With the assistance of Desert Survivors Nursery (DSN) in Tucson, Arizona and Native Seed Search in Patagonia, Arizona, the project has begun to grow out trees that will be ready to plant at the mission site and other locations by Fall of 2005.

The Native Seed Search Farm in Patagonia, Arizona will serve as a secondary germplasm bank for some of the trees.

Peach Orchard, Cucuroe, Sonora
Pomegranates, Patagonia, Arizona
Pomegranates, Patagonia, Arizona

Future Directions

The Kino Fruit Trees Project team is now:

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 03-10-2025