Staff Publications

Our publications include both refereed-scientific and popular articles, books, symposia proceedings, and websites. We are also engaged in numerous auxilliary projects that support our research and conservation efforts and disseminate our knowledge to the public.

Authors in bold were on staff when the research or writing was conducted.


Rakestraw, E. (2024) Nationally Accredited Sonoran Desert Collection, Public Garden, 39 (3)


Colodner, D., C Ivanyi, C Lyon (2023) This is a Zoo? Reflections on a Wilder Zoo by Visitors to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, In A Wilder Kingdom, B Minteer and H Greene eds, Columbia University Press, New York: 107-124

Hovanes KA, Lien AM, Baldwin E, Li YM, Franklin K, and Gornish ES (2023) Relationship between local-scale topography and vegetation on the invasive C4 perennial bunchgrass buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) size and reproduction (2023) Invasive Plant Sci. Manag 16: 38–46. doi: 10.1017/inp.2023.9

Nabhan GP, BD Richter, EC Riordan. 2023. Towards water-resilient agriculture in Arizona: Future scenarios addressing water scarcity in the Lower Colorado Basin. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper. 52 p.

Yue, M.L., S.M. Munson, Y-C Lin, and P Grissom, Effectiveness of a decade of treatments to reduce invasive buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) (2023), Invasive Plant Science and Management, 16: 27-37, doi: 10.1017/inp.2023.2

Valdivia-Jiménez, P., P. Turk-Boyer, N. Barajas-Acosta, C. Flanagan, D. Colodner and A.Y. Sanchez-Cruz, Embracing Nature, Meaningful Experiences for Teaching and Learning Endeavors: Lessons from the Northern Gulf of California (2023) in Outdoor Environmental Education in the Contemporary World, J. Cincera, B. Johnson, D. Goldman, I. Alkaher, M. Medek, eds., Springer, Cham, Switzerland,: 243-266.

Miner, M.C., Wilson Rankin, E.E. Bumble Bee Avoidance of Argentine Ants and Associated Chemical Cues. J Insect Behav, 2023.


Poo, S., S.M. Whitfield, A. Shepack, G.J. Watkins-Colwell, G. Nelson, J. Goodwin, A. Bogisich, P.L.R Brennan, J. D’Agostino, M.S. Koo, J.R. Mendelson III, R. Snyder, S. Wilson, G.P. Aronson, A.C. Bentley, D.C. Blackburn, M.R. Borths, M.L. Campbell, D.A. Conde, J. A. Cook, J. D. Daza, D. P Dembiec, J. L Dunnum, C. M Early, A. W Ferguson, A. Greene, R. Guralnick, C. Janney, D. Johnson, F. Knightly, S. Poulin, L. Rocha, P. S Soltis, B. Thiers, P. Chakrabarty (2022) Bridging the Research Gap between Live Collections in Zoos and Preserved Collections in Natural History Museums. Bioscience 72 (5): 449-460.

Colodner, D., K. Franklin, C. Ivanyi, J.E. Wiens, S. Poulin. Why Partner with a Zoo or Garden? Selected Lessons from Seventy Years of Regional Conservation Partnerships at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens 2022 (3): 725-737.

Siegrist, A. A., L. Boyer, N.R. Balchan, H. Vazquez, A. Alagon, A. de Roodt, C. Ivanyi, S. Poulin, A. Timmerman, D. Trocola. Outcomes of Treatment of Snake and Scorpion Envenomation in Birds of Prey, With and Without Antivenom, Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 2022, 53(4): 870-881.


Lien, A., E. Baldwin, and K. Franklin. (2021) Collective action in invasive species governance in southern Arizona. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 74: 151-164.

Wilder, B. C. Jarnevich, E. Baldwin, J.S. Black, K.A. Franklin, P. Grissom, K.A. Hovanes, A. Olsson, J. Malusa, A.S.M.G. Kibria, Y.M. Li, A.M. Lien, A. Ponce. J.A. Rowe, J.R. Soto, M.R. Stahl, N.E. Young, J.L. Betancourt. (2021) Caught in the crossfire: grassification and fast evolving fire connectivity and risk in the Sonoran Desert, USA. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:1-20.

Zachmann, L., J.F. Wiens, K.A. Franklin, S.D. Crausby, V.A. Landau. (2021) Sonoran Desert species advanced flowering with increased growing degree days with diverging responses to changing moisture availability. Madroño 68: 473-486.


Bradley, C.M., Colodner, D., 2020. The Sonoran Desert. In: Goldstein, M.I.,DellaSala, D.A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, vol. 2. Elsevier, pp.110–125.ISBN: 9780128160961

Gornish, E.S., K.A. Franklin, J. Rowe, and A. Barberán. (2020) Buffelgrass invasion and glyphosate effects on desert soil microbiome communities. Biological Invasions 22:2587–2597.

Li, Y. M., & Gornish, E. S. (2020). General attributes and practice of ecological restoration in Arizona and California, U.S.A., revealed by restoration stakeholder surveys. Restoration Ecology.

Li, Y. M., Roche, L. M., & Gornish, E. S. (2020). Bridging the research-implementation gap in weed management on California rangelands. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 73(3), 348–357.


Brenner, J.C. and K.A. Franklin. (2017) Living on the edge: emerging environmental hazards on the peri-urban fringe. Environment Magazine 59:16-29.

Delgado-Fernández, M., J.G. Escoboar-Flores, and K.A. Franklin. (2017) El cardon gigante (Pachycereus pringlei) y sus interacciones con la fauna en la peninsula de Baja California, México. (The Mexican giant cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) interactions with wildlife on the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Acta Universitaria 27:3-12. doi:: 10.15174/au.2017.1274


Franklin, K., P.N. Sommers, C.E. Aslan, J.L. Bronstein, B.R. Lopez, E. Bustamante, A. Montijo-Burquez, R.A. Medellín, B. Marrazi, 2016. Plant biotic interactions in the Sonoran Desert: current knowledge and future research perspectives. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177:217–234.

Franklin, K., C. Aslan. 2016. Pollination of Amsonia kearneyana in naturally-occurring, outplanted, and safe harbor populations. Final Report for Grant Number: Endangered Species Act Section 6, Segment 18 - 2014-2016-05.


Marrazi B., J.L. Bronstein, P.N. Sommers, B.R. Lopez, E. Bustamante, A. Montijo-Burquez, R. Medellín, C. Aslan, K. Franklin, 2015. Plant biotic interactions in the Sonoran Desert: Current research, conservation, and future directions. Journal of the Southwest 57: 457-502.

Meyer, W.M., J.A. Eble, K.A. Franklin, R.B. McManus, S.L. Brantley, J. Henkel, P.E. Marek, W.E. Hall, C.A. Olson, R. McInroy, E.M. Bernal Loaiza, R.C. Brusca, W. Moore. 2015. Ground-dwelling arthropod communities of a sky island mountain range in southeastern Arizona, USA: obtaining a baseline for assessing the effects of climate change. PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135210


Aslan, C. E., N. Holmes, D. Croll, B. Tershy. 2014. Benefits to poorly studied taxa of conservation of bird and mammal diversity on islands. Conservation Biology 29: 133-142.

Aslan, C. E., A. B. Aslan, B. Tershy, D. Croll, and E. S. Zavaleta. 2014. Building taxon substitution guidelines on a biological control foundation. Restoration Ecology 22:437-441.

Aslan, A. B., P. Hart, J. X. Wu, and C. E. Aslan. 2014. Evaluating the qualitative effectiveness of a novel pollinator: a case study of two endemic Hawaiian plants. Biotropica 46:732–739.

Aslan, C. E. 2014. Pollination of the endangered Arizona hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus arizonicus). The American Midland Naturalist 173(1): 61-72.

Brodie, J. F., C. E. Aslan, H. S. Rogers, K. H. Redford, J. L. Maron, J. L Bronstein, and C. R. Groves. 2014. Secondary extinctions of biodiversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 29(12): 664-672.


Brusca, Wiens, Meyer, Eble, Franklin, Overpeck, and Moore. 2013 Dramatic response to climate change in the Southwest: Robert Whittaker's 1963 Arizona Mountain plant transect revisited. Ecology and Evolution 3: 3307-3319.

Aslan, C. E., M. Pinsky, M. Ryan, S. Souther, K. Terrell. 2013. Cultivating creativity in conservation science. Conservation Biology. 28:345-353

Aslan, C. E., E. S. Zavaleta, B. Tershy, and D. Croll. 2013. Mutualism disruption threatens global plant biodiversity: a systematic review. PLoS ONE 8: e66993.

Aslan, CE, The effect of a spatial shift on interspecific interactions: pollination of relocated vs. wild Arizona hedgehog cacti Final Report for Grant Number: Section 6, Segment 16 - 2012-2013


Franklin, K. 2012. The remarkable resilience of ant assemblages to land cover change in arid ecosystems of northwest Mexico. Biological Conservation. 148:96-105.

Moore, W., W.M. Meyer, J.A. Eble, K.A. Franklin, J.F. Wiens, R.C.Brusca. 2012. Introduction to the Arizona Sky Island Arthropod Project: Systematics, Biogeography, Ecology, and Population Genetics of Arthropods of the Madrean Sky Islands. Pp. 140-162 in Gottfried, G.J.; P.F. Ffolliott, B.S. Gebow, and L.G. Eskew, compilers. Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III. 2012 RMRS-P-67. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Fort Collins, CO.

2004 and previous

Bowman, T.E., B. Kensley, R.C. Brusca, G.D. Wilson and G. Schultz. Common and Scientific Names of [freshwater & marine] Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Isopod Crustaceans. American Fisheries Society. (Fall 2004)

Brusca, R. C. and G. C. Bryner. In press. A Case Study Of Two Mexican Biosphere Reserves: The Upper Gulf of California/Colorado River Delta and Pinacate/Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserves. Pp. 28-64 in N. E. Harrison and G. C. Bryner (eds.), Science and Politics in the International Environment . Rowman and Littlefield, New York. (Winter 2004)

Brusca, R.C., E. Kimrey and W. Moore. Seashore Guide to the Northern Gulf of California. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. (Spring 2004)

Brusca, R.C., V. Coelho and S. Taiti.  Isopods, in J. Carlton (ed.) The Light and Smith Manual: The Intertidal Invertebrates of Central California and Oregon.  4th Ed.  Stanford Univ. Press.

Brusca, R. C., L. T. Findley, P. A. Hastings, M. E. Hendrickx, J. Torre Cosio, A. M. van der Heiden.  Biodiversity in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez).  In J.-L. E. Cartron and G. Ceballos (eds.) Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico.  Oxford Univ. Press.

Brusca, R. C., L. T. Findley, P. A. Hastings, M. E. Hendrickx, J. Torre Cosio, A. M. van der Heiden. In Press. Macrofaunal Biodiversity in the Gulf of California. In J.-L. E. Cartron and G. Ceballos (eds.) Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico. Oxford University Press. (Summer 2004)

Brusca, R.C. and S. Trautwein. In press. Cnidaria and Ctenophora. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macrofauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Brusca, R.C. In press. Platyhelminthes and Nemertea. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Brusca, R.C. In press. Sipuncula and Echiura. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Brusca, R.C. In press. Ectoprocta and Brachiopoda. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Brusca, R.C. In press. Arthropoda: Crustacea: Cirripedia. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Brusca, R.C., R. Wetzer, C. Espinosa, and M.E. Hendrickx. In press. Arthropoda: Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Bowman, T. E., B. Kensley, R. C. Brusca, G. D. Wilson and G. Schultz.  The freshwater & marine isopod crustaceans of the United States and Canada.  American Fisheries Society.

Coelho, V. R., S. K. Reed, J. D. Shields and R. C. Brusca.  Aberrations in optical pigments in shallow-water populations of two species of gammaridean amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda).  Journal of Marine Biology.

Dimmitt, M. and R. C. Brusca.  Endangered Plants and the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Endangered Species Bulletin.

Dimmitt, M. A., J. F. Wiens and T. R. Van Devender.  Extreme succulent diversity in Central Baja California.  In J.-L. E. Cartron, G. Ceballos and R. S. Felger (eds.), Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in northern Mexico . Oxford Univ. Press.

Dimmitt, M. A., J. F. Wiens and T. R. Van Devender.  Rich succulent floras in Central Baja California.  Cactus and Succulent Journal.

Findley, L. T., M. E. Hendrickx, R. C. Brusca, A. M. van der Heiden, P. A. Hastings and J. Torre.  2002.  Macrofauna of the Gulf of California [Macrofauna del Golfo de California].   CD-ROM Version 1.0.  Macrofauna Golfo Project.  Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International, Washington, D.C., and Programa Golfo de California, Conservation International-Mexico, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.  ISBN 1-881173-42-9.

Findley, L. T., M. E. Hendrickx, R. C. Brusca, A. M. Van der Heiden, P. A. Hastings and J. Torre.  In press.  Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macrofauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico).   Conservation International, Washington, D.C.  425 pp.

Findley, L. T., M. E. Hendrickx, R. C. Brusca, A. M. Van der Heiden, P. A. Hastings and J. Torre (eds.). In press. Checklist and Distribution of the Macrofauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Vol. 1. Invertebrates. [Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México] Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Hendrickx M. E. and R. C. Brusca.  Biodiversidad de los invertebrados marinos de Sinaloa.  In, J. L. Cifuentes (ed.), Atlas de los Ecosistemas y la Biodiversidad de Sinaloa.  Colegio de Sinaloa, Mexico.

Hendrickx, M.E. and R.C. Brusca. In press. Arthropoda: Crustacea: Other Peracarida. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Hendrickx, M.E. and R.C. Brusca. In press. Mollusca. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Krebbs, K.  Hummingbird Husbandry Manual.  D. Rimlinger and M. Mace (eds.), AZA Taxon Advisory Group.

Maluf, L.Y. and R.C. Brusca. In press. Echinodermata. In, Findley, L. T., et al. Listado y Distribucion de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, México (Checklist and Distribution of the Macro fauna of the Gulf of California, Mexico). Conservation International, Washington, D.C. (Summer 2004)

Moore, W. and R.C. Brusca.  A monograph on the isopod genus Colopisthus (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae).  Journal of Natural History, London.

Nabhan, G. P., R. C. Brusca, and L. Holter (eds.), Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in western North America. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. ASDM Studies in Natural History, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson.

Ortega R., C. I., M. C. Peñalba, J. A. López A., and T. R. Van Devender. Premiére étude paléoécologique dans la Sierra Madre Occidental (NW du Mexique(: pollen et palynomorphes non polliniques d'une séquence holocéne. Comtes-Rendus de l'Académie de Sciences.

Van Devender, T. R., K. Krebbs and W. A. Calder.  Distribution and diversity of hummingbirds the Sierra Madre Occidental of eastern Sonora, Mexico. In , J.-L. E. Cartron, G. Ceballos and R. S. Felger (eds.), Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico. Oxford Univ. Press.

Van Devender, T. R., W. A. Calder, K. Krebbs, A. L. Reina G., Stephen M. Russell and R. O. Russell. Hummingbird plants and potential nectar corridors for the rufous hummingbird in Sonora, Mexico in G. P. Nabhan (ed.), Conservation of Migratory Pollinators and Their Nectar Corridors in North America.  ASDM Studies in Natural History, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson.

Van Devender, T. R., J. R. Reeder, C. G. Reeder and A. L. Reina G.  Distribution and diversity of grasses in the Yécora region of the Sierra Madre Occidental of eastern Sonora, Mexico. In J.-L. E. Cartron, G. Ceballos, and R. S. Felger (eds.), Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico.  Oxford Univ. Press.

Van Devender, T. R. Ice ages in the Sonoran Desert. Pinyon pines and Joshua trees in the Dry Border Region. In R. S. Felger and B. Broyles (eds.), Dry Borders: Great Natural Areas of the Gran Desierto and Upper Gulf of California, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Van Devender, T. R., W. A. Calder, K. Krebbs, A. L. Reina G., Stephen M. Russell, and R. O. Russell. Hummingbird plants and potential nectar corridors for the rufous hummingbird in Sonora, Mexico in G. P. Nabhan, R. C. Brusca, and L. Holter (eds.), Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in western North America. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. ASDM Studies in Natural History, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson.

Whitmore, R., R. C. Brusca, P. González-Zamoran, R. Mendoza-Salgado, E. S. Amador-Silva, G. Holguin, C. C. McIvor, F. Galván-Magaña, J. A. Seminoff and J. León de la Luz . The Ecological Importance of Mangroves in Baja California Sur: Conservation Implications for an Endangered Ecosystem. In J.-L. E. Cartron and G. Ceballos (eds.) Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico. Oxford University Press. (Summer 2004)

Yetman, D. and T. R. Van Devender. The organ pipe cactus Stenocereus thurberi : the distribution, morphology, and ethnobotany of pitahayas.  Hazeltonia .

Brusca, R.C. and R.J. Edison. Introduction. Pp. 1-3 in S. J. Phillips (ed.), sonorensis. The Santa Cruz River. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.


Brusca, R.C. and G. J. Brusca.  Invertebrates.  2nd Ed.  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.  1,000 pp.

Brusca, R. C. Desert Ecology: An Introduction to Life in the Arid Southwest , John Sowell. Univ. Utah Press . [Book Review] Natural Resources Journal, Univ. New Mexico School of Law, Albuquerque, pp. 685-687.

Dimmitt, Mark A., Thomas R. Van Devender, and John F. Wiens. Biological Survey of Ironwood Forest National Monument. Contract report publ. by Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum for Bureau of Land Management. Also a web publication.

Dimmitt, Mark A. Impact of recent weed invasions on desert ecosystems. Presentation to California Desert Managers Group, Bureau of Land Management. March 5; Palm Springs. Available online.

Moore, W. and R.C. Brusca. A monograph on the isopod genus Colopisthus (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) with the description of a new genus. Journal of Natural History (London) 37: 1329-1399.

Van Devender, T. R. Sonoran Desert survival strategies. How plants and animals deal with our tropical yet temperate climate. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum News 4 (3):2-4.

Van Devender, T. R., A. L. Reina G., M. C. Peñalba G., and C. I. Ortega R. The Ciénega de Camilo: A threatened habitat in the Sierra Madre Occidental of eastern Sonora, Mexico. Madroño 50:187-195. Online summary available.


Brusca, R.C.  A Sapphire Sea in the Sonoran Desert.  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum News, 3(3): 2-4.

Brusca, R. C. On the Vermilion Sea. sonorensis, Winter 2002. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ. Pp. 2-9.

Brusca, R. C. Biodiversity in the Northern Gulf of California. (Biodiversidad en el Golfo de California Norte). CEDO News 10(1): 1-45.

Brusca, R.C. and G.P. Nabhan. Migratory Pollinators and Their Nectar Corridors in the Southwestern U.S. and Northwestern Mexico. Final Report to the Turner Foundation (Atlanta, GA) and Turner Endangered Species fund (Bozeman, MT). 126 pp.

Bury, R. B., D. J. Germano, T. R. Van Devender and B. E. Martin.  Distribution, ecology, and conservation of desert tortoises in Mexico. Pp. 86-108 in T. R. Van Devender (ed.), The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation .  ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

Dimmitt, Mark A. and Richard C. Brusca. Endangered species and the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Endangered Species Bulletin March-June 2002 Volume XXVII No. 2. Available online.

Esque, T. C., A. Búrquez M., C. R. Schwalbe, T. R. Van Devender, P. J. Anning and M. J. Nijuis.  Fire ecology of the Sonoran desert tortoise.  Pp. 312-333 in T. R. Van Devender (ed.), The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation.  ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

Hendrickx, M. E., R. C. Brusca and G. Ramirez Resendiz.  Biodiversity of Macrocrustaceans in the Gulf of California, Mexico.  In, M.E. Hendrickx (ed.) Contributions to the Study of East Pacific Crustaceans [ Contribuciones al Estudio de los Crustaceos del Pacifico Este ], Volume 1.  Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, Mexico.  21 pp.

Hendrickx M. E. and R. C. Brusca. Biodiversidad de los invertebrados marinos de Sinaloa. Pp. 141-163 in, J. L. Cifuentes Lemus and J. Gaxiola López (eds.), Atlas de Sinaloa . Colegio de Ciencias de Sinaloa, Mexico. 442 pp.

Jarchow, J. L., H. E. Lawler, T. R. Van Devender and C. S. Ivanyi.  Care and diet of captive Sonoran desert tortoises. Pp. 289-311 in T. R. Van Devender (ed.), The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation. ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

Krebbs, K.  Hummingbirds: Beauty in Flight.  Publications International.

Martin, B. E., and T. R. Van Devender. Diet of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizi) in a desert grassland habitat in southern Arizona. Herpetological Natural History 9: 31-42.

Quintana V., M., A. Búrquez M., T. R. Van Devender  and A. L. Reina G.  Análisis preliminar de la riqueza florística de Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiasceae y Poaceae de San Javier a Yécora al este de Sonora.  Pp. 349 in D. Vasquez del Castillo, M. Ortega N., R. A. Corella B., and R. A. Castillo G. (eds.), Simposium Internacional sobre la Utilización y Aprovechamiento de la Flora Silvestre de Zonas Arida, Departmento de Investigaciones Científicas y Technologicas de la Univ. Sonora, Hermosillo.

Reina, A. L.  English-Spanish Medicinal Plant Glossary. In R. C. Rivera, My Nana's Remedies .  Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press.

Riseman, S. and R.C. Brusca.  A monograph on the isopod genus Politolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae).  Zoological Journal, Linnean Society of London 134: 57-140.

Roalson, E. H., T. R. Van Devender and A. L. Reina G.  Additions to the Cyperaceae and Juncaceae of the Río Mayo Region, Sonora, Mexico.  Sida 20:339-347.

Van Devender, T. R.  Cenozoic environments and the evolution of the gopher tortoises (Genus Gopherus ).  Pp. 29-51 in T. R. Van Devender (ed.), The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation. ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

Van Devender, T. R.  Deep history of immigration in the Sonoran Desert Region.  Pp. 5-24 in B. J. Tellman (ed.), Invasive Exotic Species in the Sonoran Region, Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson.

Van Devender, T. R.   Environmental history of the Sonoran Desert.  Pp. 3-24 in T. H. Fleming and A. Valiente B. (eds.), Evolution, Ecology and Conservation of Columnar Cacti and their Mutualists , Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson.

Van Devender, T. R.   Natural history of the Sonoran Desert tortoise. Life in a rock pile.  Pp. 3-28 in T. R. Van Devender (ed.), The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation.  ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

Van Devender, T. R.  Presentación.  In J. Sánchez E., Plantas Silvestre de Sonora. CD-ROM, Univ. Sonora, Hermosillo.

Van Devender, T. R. (ed.)  The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation.  ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.

Van Devender, T. R., R. C. Averill-Murray, T. C. Esque, P. A. Holm, V. M. Dickinson, C. R. Schwalbe, E. B. Wirt and S. L. Barrett.  Grasses, mallows, desert vine, and more. Diet the desert tortoise in Arizona and Sonora.  Pp. 159-193 in T. R. Van Devender (ed.), The Sonoran Desert Tortoise. Natural History, Biology, and Conservation . ASDM Studies in Natural History series, ASDM/Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.


Brusca, R.C.  Origin of the Hexapoda.  Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 37(1/2): 1-304.  T. Deuve, Editor.  [Book Review].  Journal of Crustacean Biology 21(4): 1084-1086.

Brusca, R.C., J. Campoy Fabela, C. Castillo Sánchez , R. Cudney-Bueno, L.T. Findley, J. Garcia-Hernández, E. Glenn, I. Granillo, M.E. Hendrickx, J. Murrieta, C. Nagel, M. Román, P. Turk-Boyer.  A Case Study of Two Mexican Biosphere Reserves. The Upper Gulf of California/Colorado River Delta and Pinacate/Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserves.  2000 UNESCO Conference on Biodiversity and Society, Columbia University Earthscape (an electronic journal).  [expanded version in press, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Technical Series]

Brusca, R.C., V. Coelho and S. Taiti. A Guide to the Marine Isopods of Coastal California.  Electronic publication.

Hunter, K. L., J. L. Betancourt, B. R. Riddle, T. R. Van Devender, K. L. Cole and W. G. Spaulding.  Ploidy race distributions since the last glacial maximum in the North American desert shrub, Larrea tridentata.  Global Ecology & Biogeography 10:521-533.

Kensley, B. and R.C. Brusca (eds.).  Isopod Systematics and Evolution.  A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.  365 pp.

Krebbs, K.  Hummingbird captive husbandry.  In , G. Holland (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aviculture .   David Hancock Press.

Riseman, S., A.M. Pires and R.C. Brusca.  A new species of Politolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from the south Brazilian shelf. Pp. 51-61 in, B. Kensley & R.C. Brusca (eds.), Isopod Systematics and Evolution.  Balkema, Rotterdam.

Sankey, J. T., T. R. Van Devender and W. H. Clark.  Late Holocene plants, Cataviña, Baja California, Mexico.  The Southwestern Naturalist 46:1-7.

Van Devender, T. R.  Deep history and biogeography of La Frontera .  Pp. 56-83 in G. L. Webster and C. J. Bahre (eds.), Vegetation and Flora of La Frontera : Vegetation Change along the United States-Mexican Boundary, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Yetman, D. A. and T. R. Van Devender.  The Mayos of Northwest Mexico. Their History, Land, and Ethnobotany.  Univ. California Press, Berkeley.


Brusca, R.C.  Unraveling the History of Arthropod Biodiversification.  In, Our Unknown Planet: Recent Discoveries and the Future. Proceedings of the 45th Ann. Systematics Symposium, Missouri Botanical Garden.  Ann. Missouri Botanical Garden 87:13-25.  [Abridged version also published in Kansas Biology Teacher 9(2): 54-57]

Dimmitt, M.  Endangered Bromeliaceae.  Pp. 609-620 in : D. Benzing, Bromeliaceae: Profile of an Adaptive Radiation. Cambridge Press.

Dimmitt, M.  Biomes and communities of the Sonoran Desert region. In: Phillips, Steven J. & Patricia W. Comus (eds.). A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert. University of California Press.

Dimmitt, M.  Plant ecology of the Sonoran Desert region.In: Phillips, Steven J. & Patricia W. Comus (eds.). A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert. University of California Press.

Dimmitt, M.  Flowering plants of the Sonoran Desert. In: Phillips, Steven J. & Patricia W. Comus (eds.). A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert. University of California Press.

Krebbs, K.  Bird sections.  In: Phillips, S. J. & P. W. Comus (eds.), A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert.  Univ. California Press.

Paredes A., R., T. R. Van Devender and R. S. Felger.  Cactáceas de Sonora: Su Diversidad, Uso y Conservación. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press.

Quintana V., M., A. Búrquez M., T. R.Van Devender and A. L. Reina G.  Análisis preliminar de la riqueza florística de Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiasceae y Poaceae de San Javier a Yécora al este de Sonora.  Pp. 349 in D. Vasquez del Castillo, M. Ortega N., R. A. Corella B. and R. A. Castillo G. (eds.), Simposium Internacional sobre la Utilización y Aprovechamiento de la Flora Silvestre de Zonas Arida, Departmento de Investigaciones Científicas y Technologicas de la Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo.

Reina G., A. L., T. R. Van Devender,  D. Yetman and R. S. Felger.  Usos etnobótanicos de las cactáceas en Sonora, México.  Pp. 191-202 in D Vásquez del Castillo, M. Ortegas N., R. A. Corella B., and R. A. Castillo G. (eds.) II Simposium Internacional sobre la Utilización y Aprovechamiento de la Flora Silvestre de Zonas Aridas, Departmento de Investigaciones Científicas y Technologicas de la Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo.

Van Devender, T. R., K. Krebbs, A. L. Reina G., S. M. Russell, R. Russell and W. A. Calder.  Hummingbirds and plants in east-central Sonora.  Pp. 203-208 in D. Vasquez del Castillo, M. Ortega N., R. A. Corella B. and R. A. Castillo G. (eds.), Simposium Internacional sobre la Utilización y Aprovechamiento de la Flora Silvestre de Zonas Arida, Departmento de Investigaciones Científicas y Technologicas de la Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo.

Van Devender, T. R.  Adaptations of desert amphibians and reptiles.  Pp. 529-531 in S. J. Phillips and P. W. Comus (eds.), A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert.  ASDM Press/University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Van Devender, T. R.  The Deep history of the Sonoran Desert.  Pp. 61-69 in S. J. Phillips and P. W. Comus (eds.), A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert.  ASDM Press/Univ. California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Van Devender, T. R. and M. A. Dimmitt.  Desert Grasses.  Pp. 265-280 in S. J. Phillips and P. W. Comus (eds.), A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert.  ASDM Press/Univ. California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Van Devender, T. R., K. Krebbs, A. L. Reina G., S. M. Russell, R. Russell and W. A. Calder.  Hummingbirds and plants in east-central Sonora.  Pp. 203-208 in D. Vasquez del Castillo, M. Ortega N., R. A. Corella B., and R. A. Castillo G. (eds.), Simposium Internacional sobre la Utilización y Aprovechamiento de la Flora Silvestre de Zonas Arida, Departmento de Investigaciones Científicas y Technologicas de la Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo.

Van Devender, T. R. and H. E. Lawler.  Reptile and amphibian accounts: desert tortoise ( Gopherus agassizi ; also Xerobates agassizi ).  Pp. 545-547 in S. J. Phillips and P. W. Comus (eds.), A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert.  ASDM Press/Univ. California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Van Devender, T. R., A. C. Sanders, R. K. Wilson and S. A. Meyer.  Flora and vegetation of the Río Cuchujaqui, a tropical deciduous forest near Alamos, Sonora, México.  Pp. 36-101 in R. H. Robichaux and D. A. Yetman (eds.), The Tropical Deciduous Forest of Alamos: Biodiversity of a Threatened Ecosystem in Mexico.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Van Devender, T. R., and C. R. Schwalbe.  Nutritional analyses of desert tortoise ( Gopherus agassizii ) plant foods in the northeastern Sonoran Desert, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Report for IIPAM Project Number I95043, Phoenix.

Yetman, D. A., T. R. Van Devender, R. A. López E. and A. L. Reina G.  Monte mojino: Mayo people and trees in southern Sonora.  Pp. 102-151 in R. H. Robichaux and D. A. Yetman (eds.), The Tropical Deciduous Forest of Alamos. Biodiversity of a Threatened Ecosystem in Mexico .  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Selected Earlier Publications
(see staff curricula vitae for full list of earlier publications)

Acuña, Michelle. Christmas Trees for Environmental Enrichment. November 1993. The Shape of Enrichment .

Acuña, Michelle. Snake Sheds! 1995. Animal Keepers' Forum

Allen-Wardell, G., P. Bernhardt, R. Bitner, A. Burquez, S. Buchmann, J. Cane, P.A. Cox, V. Dalton, P. Feinsinger, M. Ingram, D. Inouye, C. E. Jones, K. Kennedy, P. Kevan, H. Koopowitz, R. Medellin, S. Medellin-Morales, G. P. Nabhan. (1998) The potential consequences of pollinator declines on the conservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields. Conservation Biology 12(1): 8-17.

Altimari, William. Venomous Snakes: A Safety Guide for Reptile Keepers.

Brusca, G.J., R.C. Brusca and S.F. Gilbert. 1997. Characteristics of Metazoan Development.  Chapter 1 (pp. 3-19) in S.F. Gilbert & A.M. Raunio (eds.) Embryology: Constructing the Organism .  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

Brusca, R. C. 1998. Crustacea. Website.

Brusca, R.C. and S. France.  1992. The genus Rocinela (Crustacea: Isopoda: Aegidae) in the tropical eastern Pacific.  Zoological J. Linnean Soc. (London) 106: 231-275.

Brusca, R.C., R. Wetzer, and S. France. 1995. Cirolanidae (Crustacea; Isopoda; Flabellifera) of the tropical eastern Pacific.  Proceedings San Diego Natural History Society, No. 30, 96 pp.

Buchmann, S.L. and G.P. Nabhan. (1997) The Forgotten Pollinators. Island Press, Washington D.C.

Domitrovic, Anna. 1991. A Woman's Place: History of Mining in Arizona. Chapter 8, Vol. 2.

Domitrovic, Anna. 1996. Mines and Minerals in the Tucson Mountains. sonorensis Vol 16:2.

Domitrovic, Anna, Alexander and Schlepp. 1996. The Joy and Agony of the Feet. sonorensis Vol 16:2.

Dulaney, Richard. 1993. Interpreting the Sonoran Desert Region. The Interpreter . Western Interpreter's Association. Winter.

Edwards, Taylor. 1996. Management of captive black-tailed prairie dogs. Animal Keepers' Forum. Vol. 23:4.

Garcia, Jesús. Night Visitors. sonorensis. Vol. 15:1.

Grams, Kayla. Enrichment Options. Animal Keepers' Forum. (monthly column)

Gregonis, Linda. 1994. Prairie dog archaeology. sonorensis. Vol.14:1.

Gregonis, Linda. 1979. The Hohokam Indians of the Tucson Basin .

Ingram, Mrill. 1997. The pollination gap. Defenders of Wildlife. Fall issue.

Ivanyi, Craig. 1994. In search of royalty. sonorensis. Vol. 14:1.

Ivanyi, Craig, Hill and Matter. 1995. Time of spawning by by desert sucker. The Southwestern Naturalist. Vol.40:4 (December).

Kahn, Jacqueline. 1997. Plant Gall Activity. Science Activities. Vol.34:1.

King, J.L., M.A. Simovich, and R.C. Brusca. 1996. Endemism, species richness, and ecology of crustacean assemblages in northern California vernal pools.  Hydrobiologia 328: 85-116.

Krebbs, K. 1992. Hummingbird Breeding and Nesting Success at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. AAZK. Western Regional Conference, Tucson, Arizona.

Krebbs, K. 1992. Four Years of Hummingbird Breeding at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Animal Keepers' Forum. November.

Krebbs, K. 1997. The "Hummingbirds of the Sonoran Desert Region" Exhibit. The Journal of American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta. Public Garden. Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct.

Krebbs, K. 1999. The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum's Hummingbird Propagation Program. International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council 22nd Annual Conference Proceedings. Tucson, Arizona. October.

Lizotte, Renee, Richard Dulaney, and Kirkland. 1994. Rearing freshwater crustaceans from temorpary rainpools in southern Arizona. Conference Proceedings, Invertebrates in Captivity.

Palmer, B, and K. Krebbs. 1989. The Creation and Operation of a Native Hummingbird Exhibit. 15th National AAZK Conference, Syracuse, New York.

Perry-Richardson, Jan and Craig Ivanyi. 1995-2000. North American Regional Beaded Lizard Stud Book.

Perry-Richardson, Jan and Craig Ivanyi. 1995 Preliminary analysis of a study on the free-ranging rattlesnakes on ASDM grounds. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings . pp. 253-259.

Perry-Richardson, Jan and Craig Ivanyi. 1996. Captive design for reptiles and amphibians: An interdisciplinary approach. Conservation of Endangered Species in Captivity. SUNY Press.

Riseman, S. and R. C. Brusca. Crustacea, Isopoda. Website.

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