A Selection of Articles from Sonorensis 1996-1997

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The Desert Primer: Spring 1997

Keepin' Cool and Dodgin' Spines
by Robert L. Smith
How Plants Cope with the Desert Climate
by Mark A. Dimmitt
Adaptations of Desert Amphibians and Reptiles
by Tom Van Devender
Cultural Adaptations to the Desert's Bounty
by Gary Paul Nabhan

Minerals The Sonoran Desert's Delicate Wonders: Fall 1996

Mines and Minerals in the Tucson Mountains
by David A Kring

People of the Desert: Spring 1996

The Hohokam
by Linda M. Gregonis
Southern Arizona in Hispanic Times
by James E. Officer.
The Mexican American Culture in the Sonoran Desert
by Patricia Presiado Martin.
The Anglo Americans
by Thomas E. Sheridan

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Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 03-09-2025